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Triggers - Kidpower Shorts - Episode 7

Personal Triggers - Kidpower International Video Shorts - Episode 7

Triggers are thoughts, words, gestures, actions, smells, or ideas that cause someone to explode with feelings.

Learning how to manage our triggers is relevant to all sorts of situations in our relationships, in the world, and online. Everyone can manage their feelings in different ways. There are different ways in which you can choose the one that works for you and your situation.

Image of Newport Judo Logo - This article is about Skills to Help Manage Your Responds To Your Personal Triggers
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Recognizing your triggers

From the author's experience, it is when people make assumptions about his feelings instead of asking him. Assumptions about abilities and stressful situations

Triggers can be problematic

It can be problematic to our safety such that when our minds and bodies are full of triggers it will make it hard for us to think clearly and make wise decisions or choices. However, recognizing these feelings can make us take charge

We might think of triggers as negative; however, there are positive triggers as well that cause someone to explode with happy or caring feelings. For instance, you can get excited about something and end up in a destructive situation.

Negative triggers can make us angry. Some common responses to negative triggers include feeling hurt, angry, frantic, disconnected, and others.

To avoid all these you can use various techniques like doing Calm Down Power power to help stop yourself from hurting someone or saying something hurtful that you will regret. To practice, squeeze your lips together using a hang-on power by holding on to your body or your clothes. This skill can also be applied online.

Other techniques are moving away power and calming down power.

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Another Form Of The Negative Trigger Is An Emotional Attack

People may use this attack unknowingly or because they don't know how to do better communication. Some also use it to hurt others' feelings.

Categories of Emotional Attacks:

  1. It communicates you are worthless.
  2. Solution; You can imagine a trash bin and throw this attack in it and say you are valuable.

  3. It communicates helplessness
  4. Solution; Suppose someone does something that communicates you are helpless. You can imagine making a fence with your hands and saying to yourself that "it is not true."

  5. Inclusion of words that say "Take care of me."
  6. This makes you feel sorry or responsible for someone which makes you take care of their needs at the expense of yours. This attack can lead to a lot of feelings. When you are aware of this attack you will be able to make clear choices about how to be kind to them and still keep yourself safe.

Kinds of Emotional Safety Techniques

  1. The screening technique
  2. This technique helps to separate upsetting words from useful information so that we can access the situation accurately instead of reacting. Check here for a demonstration.

  3. Taking the power of upsetting words
  4. This involves substituting the triggering words with something positive such as your favourite food or activity.

This technique can make you calmer:

  1. Practice increasing your emotional distance by first doing it physically.

  2. When someone is upset and might become physically and emotionally abusive, you can use the living with love technique. This means disengaging from the conflict in a caring way.

Lot of Skills You Can Choose From

There are a lot of skills you can choose from to help manage your triggers. You can choose from the suggested ones here and you can even make your own. Whatever your triggers are, being aware of them and the strategies for managing them can be really helpful. If you are still having problems managing your triggers or someone is consistently being hurtful, another option includes setting clear boundaries and getting help from someone you trust.

For detailed information watch the video, below

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