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Discipline: Practical Application in A Judo Class

The Practical Application of Discipline in A Judo Class

It's all very well to talk philosophically about Discipline in A Judo Class but you also need practical how-tos. The following is a set of ideas that I have used successfully over the years to manage my classes. I hope you find them helpful.

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"Matte” - Seriously Enforced Safety Stop Words

Getting your students to respond to you and stop work instantly is always a challenge.

Try to get them used to responding instantly by playing the games:

  • Dead Fish

  • Statues

If you don’t know these games look them up on the internet.

Play the games and then substitute your Martial Arts stop word (ie. in Judo that is Matte) for dead fish or statues (ie. call Matte instead of dead fish or statues). Do this on regular occasions so that new students get used to the instant response.

Make The Punishment Fit The Crime

Push-ups for punishment are just silly. In Judo we want the children to develop strong healthy bodies push-ups may be a part of that regime. I don't make them a negative exercise.

For instance, when children are practising I don't want them to resist their partner's actions because it hinders the practice. I will often throw a resistant child, always keeping them safe and making sure they don't get hurt of course. The children often volunteer for this punishment they enjoy it so much but it does get the point across and they usually stop resisting their partner.

Telling Parents

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There is a big difference between consulting with or seeking the advice of parents and using them as a threat. Threatening to tell a child's parents under any circumstance except potential expulsion is always a bad move. I may seek parental advice but I try never to threaten a child by telling on them. To do so would be to undermine my own authority and make the parents out to be the bad guys; I'm in charge, not their parents. Yes, I am in loco parentis but that should increase my authority not decrease it by constantly deferring to the child's parents.

Time Out Must Be Limited

If they are enjoying what they are doing then time out from that enjoyment is usually sufficient punishment. I just make sure that the amount of time out is appropriate to the crime. Sending them off for an hour for a minor infringement like talking when they should have been practising is overkill and may build resentment. I will only send children off if their misbehaviour is persistent and then only a few minutes is usually more than enough.

The more a child enjoys an activity the more a child will be affected if I withdraw it. The extent of the misbehaviour determines how much fun I remove.

Never Just Threaten

I learned a long time ago to never tell a child I am going to punish them by doing such and such if I don't intend to carry it out.

If you would not ever really carry something out, don't say you will. You just look stupid.

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Only Give One Warning Or Even Give No Warning

I never give more than one warning and if the child knows the rules I don't even give a warning. More than one warning breeds contempt in my opinion.

Keep Fighting Sibling Apart

A word to the wise, however, considerable experience tells me that, in most cases, it is a very bad idea to put two siblings together at all let alone with one teaching the other. Such an arrangement is usually a recipe for building resentment.

There are exceptions to siblings not working together and you will know those almost as soon as those students join the club. This is because they will already visibly have this teacher/protector relationship. Even then because they have such a relationship does not mean it is a healthy one. If they are bickering all the time it is a clear signal that they need to be separated.

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