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"The Path of Traditional Judo" by Linda Yiannakis

The Path of Traditional Judo

Judo was originally introduced in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. Since then, it has undergone many changes, and it is currently hard to find an instructor in the US who teaches Classical or Traditional Judo.

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Kano's Judo included moral and mental development as well as bodily development and contest skills. It has three precepts: seiryoku zenyo (energy), jita kyoei (prospering together), and jiko no kansei (perfecting the self). Kano’s Judo stresses both the teaching of principles and the teaching by principles. It is very much a hands-on practice involving physical operation and the execution of technique. Judo ultimately has the goal of self-actualization through the internalization of its principles.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Judo as presented in the US often doesn't represent Traditional Judo as originally developed by Jigoro Kano.
  • Kano's Judo contained three precepts: the development of the body, contest skills, and moral development.
  • Kano emphasized both the teaching of principles and teaching by principles.

"The cultivation of a strong physical body (through rentai-ho) and the development of contest skills (through shobu-ho) together resulted in kyogi judo or judo in the narrow sense."

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